To grow hair on any part of your body which is bald/hairless from birth, massage Surma/Kohl on the affected area twice daily.
The Holy Prophet have said that the best amongst Surma/Kohl is Ithmid or Asmad. However you can use any for the remedy.
It is an excellent remedy for the brothers who have bald patches on their beard. Even if you apply it once before sleeping at night, it will work marvels InshaAllah!
If you apply it twice daily, you will get results of effectiveness in a week and thick hair in a month. If applied once daily, be patient for two months. If applied three days a week, be patient for three months and InshaAllah you will be glad with the result.
Personally tried and tested or I wouldn't have initiated this...
How does it works?
Basically Surma/Kohl strengthens and thickens hair. The brothers and sisters who apply it in their eyes before sleeping (which is a Sunnah) and have experienced its effectiveness will understand what I mean.
For people who have thin hair, this remedy will strengthen and thicken them so be sure where you want to use it. If you are applying it on your beard, don't apply it outside the 'Khat', you wouldn't want hair there. The regular you are, the quicker the result. Result is a guarantee InshaAllah.
I am not sure if it works for my baldy brothers :) but since it strengthens hair roots, you can start applying it but it might take a lot of time and patience. Have belief and give it atleast a 3 to 6 months period.
Don't bother trying if you don't believe it will work. Belief is a pre-requisite.
Remedy :
To turn your hair from white to black, keep a few fresh potatoes in water in an 'iron' pot for a 24 hour period and wash your hair with it daily.
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Awesomeness is awed.... Really works 100% never in my life would have thought of this recipe.. is this your ancestor's family secret recipe.... Really works 100%....
I would recommend it to all....
Good and useful information. Thanks for sharing the blog
Dandruff Bangalore
Can you pleaae tell me how to apply it?
Why surma grow hair.plzz tell me logic behind this ????
Is it necessary to wash surma with shampoo after applying it on scalp or it is is useful to leave it on scalp for few days.
Is it necessary to wash head with shampoo after applying surma on scalp and hair. WILL it harm roots or follicles of hair if If I do not wash head after applying it for few days.
Bro ao kohl ko directly patches pr lga kr massage kren 1 2 min is k 1 ghnty bad wash kr lo mild shampoo se
Is it best for male pattern baldness?
How to apply it?mixing with oil or directly is it good for babies? And my baby hair are golden brwon applying surma will turn them black?? Plz reply shaheenanum25@gmail.com
It didn't work for bald hair naa
It's amazing best results 💜
How u used the surma?
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